How To Make Mexican Beans

How To Make Mexican Beans

I have always cherished my trips to Mexico, where I am immersed in a vibrant culture and surrounded by the warmest people. The bustling streets, infused with lively music and colorful decorations, instantly ignite a sense of joy within me. The tantalizing aroma of Mexican cuisine wafts through the air, leading me to the heart of Mexican cuisine: beans. These humble legumes hold a special place in my heart, as they have become a staple in both my travels and my daily life in Los Angeles.

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Whether it is the simple act of making beans from scratch with my family or relishing in a mouthwatering plate of frijoles at a local taqueria with friends, every experience is a celebration of the rich flavors and traditions that Mexican beans bring to the table. Living in Los Angeles, a city known for its diverse culinary landscape, has provided me with countless opportunities to explore and indulge in Mexican cuisine. The city’s close proximity to Mexico ensures an abundance of authentic ingredients and traditional recipes readily available.

However, it is the act of making Mexican beans with my loved ones that truly elevates my dining experience. The process of soaking, seasoning, and slowly cooking the beans is a labor of love that brings friends and family together in the kitchen. As we chop fresh vegetables, add fragrant spices, and stir the pot with anticipation, the air fills with laughter and the anticipation of a delightful meal. The simmering pot infuses the house with an irresistible aroma, drawing everyone closer in anticipation of the sumptuous feast to come.

When it comes to eating Mexican beans, sharing is a fundamental aspect of the experience. A bowl of perfectly cooked beans becomes a canvas for creativity, allowing each person to customize their plate with their favorite toppings and accompaniments. Whether it is the zing of fresh lime juice, the creaminess of avocado slices, or the kick of spicy salsa, the possibilities are endless. This communal aspect of enjoying Mexican beans fosters a sense of togetherness and creates lasting memories. From lively family gatherings to casual Sunday brunches with friends, the act of sharing a meal centered around Mexican beans is a cherished tradition that I hold dear.

Moreover, the cultural significance of beans in Mexican cuisine cannot be overstated. In addition to being a delicious and versatile ingredient, beans hold historical and nutritional importance. For centuries, beans have been a staple food in Mexican households, providing sustenance and nourishment to generations. Their rich protein content makes them an essential part of a balanced diet, offering a valuable source of sustenance to those who consume them.

Beyond their nutritional value, beans also hold symbolic meaning, representing abundance, unity, and connection to the land. By preparing and savoring Mexican beans, I not only partake in a flavorful culinary experience but also pay homage to the cultural heritage and traditions that have shaped this beloved dish.

In conclusion, my trips to Mexico and my life in Los Angeles have forged a deep appreciation for Mexican cuisine, particularly in the form of beans. The act of making and eating Mexican beans with family and friends has become a cherished ritual, filled with laughter, love, and a celebration of both culture and cuisine. It is through these shared experiences that I have come to understand the true essence and significance of this humble legume in Mexican gastronomy.

From the bustling streets of Mexico to the kitchen gatherings in Los Angeles, the journey of Mexican beans transcends borders and connects people, leaving a lasting impression on both the palate and the soul.

Looking for an easy and delicious Mexican bean recipe? Look no further! In this blog post, we will show you how to make Mexican beans in just a few simple steps. This dish is perfect for a quick and healthy meal. So what are you waiting for? Start cooking!


  • One can of black beans
  • One diced green bell pepper
  • One diced red onion
  • Two cloves of minced garlic
  • One teaspoon of chili powder
  • One tablespoon of olive oil
  • Salt and pepper, to taste


1- The first thing we need to do is soak our dry beans in water for about 24 hours. This will soften them and make them easier to cook later on! For this recipe, I used black beans but you can use any kind of bean. After 24 hours, drain the water and set aside until ready to use.

2- Next up is prepping all your ingredients! We recommend using fresh vegetables like onion and bell pepper for this dish but if you don’t have time (or just really hate chopping veggies) then canned will work too – just be sure not to drain them before adding them into the pan so that they don’t get too mushy.

3- Now it’s time to cook! Heat up some olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat until shimmering hot and then add all of your diced veggies along with two cloves worth minced garlic cloves (or just one if you’re not a big fan of garlic). Cook until the veggies are softened, about five minutes.

4- Once the veggies are cooked through, add in your drained beans and give everything a good stir. Then, add in your chili powder and salt and pepper to taste. Let cook for another few minutes until heated through and then serve!

We hope you enjoy this delicious Mexican bean recipe! If you make it, be sure to let us know how it turns out in the comments below. Happy cooking!

Looking For An Easy and Delicious Mexican Pinto Bean Recipe?

Look no further! In this blog post, we will show you how to make Mexican beans in just a few simple steps. This dish is perfect for a quick and healthy meal. So what are you waiting for? Lets Start cooking!


-One can of Pinto beans

-One diced green bell pepper

-One diced red onion

-Two cloves of minced garlic

-One teaspoon of chili powder

-One tablespoon of olive oil

-Salt and pepper, to taste


The first thing we need to do is soak our dry beans in water for about 24 hours. This will soften them and make them easier to cook later on! For this recipe, I used pinto beans but you can use any kind of bean. After 24 hours, drain the water and set aside until ready to use.

Next up is prepping all your ingredients! We recommend using fresh vegetables like onion and bell pepper for this dish but if you don’t have time (or just really hate chopping veggies) then canned will work too – just be sure not to drain them before adding them into the pan so that they don’t get too mushy.

Now it’s time to cook! Heat up some olive oil in a large frying pan over medium-high heat until shimmering hot and then add all of your diced veggies along with two cloves worth minced garlic cloves (or just one if you’re not a big fan of garlic). Cook until the veggies are softened, about five minutes.

Once the veggies are cooked through, add in your drained beans and give everything a good stir. Then, add in your chili powder and salt and pepper to taste. Let cook for another few minutes until heated through and then serve!

We hope you enjoy this delicious Mexican bean recipe! If you make it, be sure to let us know how it turns out in the comments below. Happy cooking!

How to Make Mexican Refried Beans: A Delicious and Easy Recipe


-One can of refried beans (15 oz)

-One tablespoon of olive oil or vegetable shortening

-One small chopped onion

-Two cloves of minced garlic

-Salt and pepper to taste

Optional toppings: shredded cheese, diced tomatoes, sour cream, guacamole, etc.


Put refried beans in a pot over low heat. Add oil or shortening and leave to cook for about five minutes, mixing often so that the refried beans do not burn.

Add onion and garlic, continue cooking until onions are soft (about two more minutes). Season with salt and pepper to taste. Mix well.

You may serve refried beans hot on tacos, burritos or by themselves with the optional toppings mentioned above.


Where To Buy Beans

If you are wondering where to buy beans, you’ll be delighted to know that there are several options available to you. Whether you’re a seasoned chef or a cooking novice, beans are a versatile ingredient that can be incorporated into a wide array of dishes. From delicious soups and stews to hearty salads and flavorful dips, beans add both nutrition and texture to your meals. So, let’s dive into the different places where you can find beans to take your culinary creations to the next level.

Firstly, your local grocery store is undoubtedly a great place to start your search for beans. These stores typically have a dedicated aisle for canned and dried goods, where you’ll find a diverse selection of beans. From kidney beans and black beans to chickpeas and lentils, you’ll be spoilt for choice.

Moreover, many grocery stores now offer organic and specialty beans, allowing you to explore unique flavors and textures. Additionally, keep an eye out for sales and promotions, as you may be able to snag some great deals on beans.

Another excellent option for buying beans is farmers’ markets. These vibrant and bustling markets bring together local farmers and artisans, offering fresh and high-quality produce, including an assortment of beans. By purchasing from farmers’ markets, not only do you support local agriculture, but you also have the opportunity to engage with the growers themselves.

They can provide valuable insights into the bean varieties they offer, the best cooking methods, and even share some of their favorite recipes. It’s a delightful way to connect with your community while sourcing fresh, delicious beans.

If you prefer a more convenient option, online grocery stores and food delivery services have become increasingly popular in recent years. With just a few clicks, you can have a wide range of beans delivered straight to your doorstep. Online platforms often provide detailed descriptions of each bean type, helping you make an informed choice based on your preferences. This option is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or limited access to physical stores. However, it’s essential to consider the delivery fees and potential delays when opting for online bean shopping.

For a unique and personalized bean-buying experience, consider visiting specialty food stores or ethnic markets. These establishments specialize in different cuisines and carry a vast selection of beans specific to various cultures.

Whether you’re searching for adzuki beans for a Japanese dish or fava beans for an authentic Mediterranean recipe, these stores are likely to have what you need. In addition, the staff in these stores are often knowledgeable about different bean varieties and can provide valuable guidance and recommendations based on your cooking preferences.

Lastly, if you’re feeling adventurous and want to try your hand at growing your own beans, gardening centers and seed catalogs can be a fantastic resource. You can purchase bean seeds suitable for your region and climate, allowing you to nurture and harvest your very own fresh beans. Gardening can be a rewarding experience, and growing your own produce adds a special touch to your meals. Just imagine the satisfaction of enjoying a delicious dish made entirely from beans you grew yourself!

In conclusion, the options for purchasing beans are diverse and plentiful. Whether you decide to explore your local grocery store, farmers’ markets, online platforms, specialty food stores, or even embark on a gardening adventure, there’s no shortage of avenues to find the perfect beans for your culinary endeavors. So get ready to unleash your creativity in the kitchen and let the incredible world of beans enhance your cooking repertoire.

How To Grow Beans In Mexico

Mexico is known for its vibrant and diverse culture, rich history, and delicious cuisine. One staple ingredient found in many traditional Mexican dishes is beans. Beans have been a part of the Mexican diet for centuries, and growing them in Mexico has become a significant agricultural practice. To grow beans in Mexico, it is crucial to consider the country’s diverse climates and regions. Mexico is geographically diverse, with various climates ranging from tropical to desert-like. Each region offers unique opportunities and challenges for bean cultivation.

For instance, in the central highland region, the cooler temperatures and ample rainfall make it an ideal location for growing beans. Before planting beans, it is vital to select the right variety based on the specific region and climate. Some common bean varieties grown in Mexico include black beans, pinto beans, kidney beans, and navy beans. Each variety has its own unique characteristics and flavors, making them suitable for different Mexican dishes.

To ensure successful bean cultivation, the soil should be well-drained and rich in organic matter. Beans prefer slightly acidic soil with a pH level between 6 and 7. Adding compost or well-rotted manure to the soil can help improve its fertility. Additionally, it is advisable to perform a soil test to determine the nutrient levels and make any necessary amendments.

Beans are typically sown directly into the soil, as they do not transplant well. The best time to plant beans in Mexico depends on the region and climate. In the central highland region, for example, beans are usually planted in the spring, after the last frost. It is essential to space the seeds properly to allow sufficient room for growth and ensure good air circulation.

Once the beans are planted, regular watering is crucial, especially during dry periods. However, it is essential to avoid overwatering, as beans are susceptible to rotting in waterlogged soil. Mulching around the plants can help retain moisture and suppress weed growth. Weeds can compete with beans for nutrients and water, so it is essential to keep the area around the plants weed-free. Beans benefit from regular fertilization to promote healthy growth and maximize yield. Applying a balanced fertilizer during the growing season can help provide the necessary nutrients. It is crucial to follow the recommended dosage and avoid excessive fertilization, which can lead to nutrient imbalances and environmental pollution.

In Mexico, pests and diseases can pose a significant challenge to bean growers. Common pests include aphids, leafhoppers, and bean beetles. To control pests, it is advisable to monitor the plants regularly and take appropriate measures, such as applying organic insecticides or introducing beneficial insects. Additionally, practicing crop rotation and proper sanitation can help prevent the buildup of pests and diseases.

Harvesting beans typically occurs when the pods are fully mature and dry. The exact timing varies depending on the bean variety and desired use. Harvesting too early can result in immature beans, while waiting too long can lead to shattering and loss of seeds. Once harvested, the beans should be left to dry further in a well-ventilated area before storing them in a cool, dry place.

Growing beans in Mexico not only provides a sustainable source of food but also contributes to the preservation of traditional Mexican cuisine. With its diverse climates and regions, Mexico offers a wide range of opportunities for bean cultivation. By following proper planting and care techniques, farmers and gardeners can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious beans, enhancing the culinary traditions of Mexico.

Beans are a nutritional powerhouse and come in many different varieties, including black beans, kidney beans, and pinto beans. They can be cooked in a variety of ways, so you can enjoy them every day.

Order Beans Online At Amazon With Best Prices, Click Here Today

If you’re looking for a great source of beans, you can buy them online or at your local grocery store. Online retailers like Amazon carry a wide variety of beans, including black beans and kidney beans.

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